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double standard...

went to school today for something to be signed and later learned that it was just a survey, imagine waking up early just to fill up a piece of survey form, the good thing about it though is that i saw my crush again, wheheh… hrmm… we signed it anyway and then went to have lunch at chowking, it was brent’s advance graduation treat for us, after sometime talking we went to robinsons, brent and rainer played arcade games while teddy, me, jr and bagz went to bob’s for some coffee… went home at around 3:30pm… later went with my mom to sta. clara to get something… tv… hrmmm… torch lighting in greece for the coming olympics, one thing that caught my attention while a chinese official was giving his speech a demonstrator went to flash a flag behind him, i did not have the chance to read what was written on the flag, it was a quick one and security personnel came to tackle him… i don’t really agree with people who are trying to connect the tibet issue or any other issues to the beijing olympics… you see this is a sport related activity and politics has no place in it... while i agree that there are some issues that china needs to deal with and hosting the olympics has nothing to do with it… we cannot just demand a boycott when we don’t like what we see inside china… it’s like saying that we also stop supporting other activities in some countries that we think has an undesirable record… let’s make this clear china is a communist state and you cannot expect one to act like a democratic country...ok?... c’mon let’s be real about this things, the problem here is not china but the people and countries that are fond of meddling with others business, people and countries with double standards… peace!


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