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election 2007...

next month our country will have its midterm elections, this is the moment where filipinos will show how they stand... the battle will be administration ka ba or opposition... current survey shows that GO or the genuine opposition are the likable winners but of course it is only a survey... the machineries of the administration will be busy doing their operations to deliver victory, remember we are in the philippines, hey don't blame me if that's how i think things would turnout... it's not a secret anymore... what i find really funny on the part of the administration is having cesar montano on their slate... just imagine how they throw bad things against movie artist during their chacha arguments, it was a move daw to eliminate persons being voted to positions without much credentials like some artistas... but guess who's fielding an artista without experience in public service?... yeah it's the administration or the TU - Team Unity... why is that then?... i'm glad that GO did not bother to have goma in their line-up, i'm not impressed with all of them though... like trillanes the oakwood siege leader just imagine if the guy wins, how can he serve when his in jail?... same with gringo... i'm not against these guys really but i just don't like the idea of having a senator inside the jail... the result of the election will be a deciding point of gloria's stay in power, the moment she'd lost majority in the lower house and the senate still with the opposition... impeachment is not impossible to happen... another scenario... if she can retain majority in the lower house and gains majority in the senate... lets say goodbye to the senate... the charter change ni jdv and fvr will be resurrected... in case that the situation will just be the same as what we have today... gloria is a name to watch until 2010... and please no more rallies and coup... we are tired of being used and taken for granted soon they are in power just like what lola gloria did... she's a senior citizen na gli... hmmm... this is my way of observing good friday?... hahaah... anyways i'll post my list of my senators next time... peace!


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