peace is an easy word to remember and so difficult to have... there's a fighting in mindanao, war in georgia with the russians... the mindanao conflict can be traced way way back in history and is very hard to understand without really deeply looking at it... the only thing i understand right now is that some of our muslim brothers wanted to take what they claim to be their ancestral land, the only problem is that the land they claim to be their own is already a residence of thousands of catholics and muslims living in harmony... but they want more, they want full control of the land, with their own laws, justice, security, electoral system and a lot more... if simplified they want a country of their own... and the fools in the administration wanted to give it to them... they should be fired, like donald trump does to his apprentice... "Your Fired!"... but no, glueria wants to bring it to the supreme court for interpretation and decision... my goodness...
8. The parties agree that the BJE shall be empowered to build, develop and maintain its own institutions, inclusive of, civil service, electoral, financial and banking, education, legislation, legal, economic, and police and internal security force, judicial system and correctional institutions, necessary for developing a progressive Bangsamoro society the details of which shall be discussed in the negotiation of the comprehensive that so hard to understand?... the problem with this administration, they are fond of doing unconstitutional things and let the supreme court interpret it for them and as a result valuable time are wasted for things that can be easily avoided if only the lawyers kuno of this government do their jobs well, but no they want it the different way knowing that most of the sitting justices today are appointees of glueria, so they feel like these people will twist everything for them and will not care for the integrity of the justice system... but the sc has proven its independence for several cases now and the administration already tasted several defeats but yet they haven't learn from it... a quick one for the georgia - russia conflict, have you seen the president of georgia lately? he's all over the news claiming to be a victim of an invasion from the russians, he forgot that he was the one who started it thinking that the west would be there for him, now the west wanted to punish russia for its action against georgia... now i'm wondering did anyone punished them when they invaded iraq?... peace!