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Showing posts from September, 2006


it's been a while... school made me busy this past weeks... i'm currently workin on our class tshirt... we already had our design and talked with the people who will do the printing... this is part of our fund raising activity for our class fund... well that all for now.. peace!

what a day!

yesterday we had a blast! hahah! our 1st ever class gathering @ nature's village is a major success for our class... we are not complete though we're about 90% i think... we had fun! really! the food was great... the music... the forum... the games... hheheh!... basta sadya2x gid ya!! hahahh!!... we hope to duplicate this kind of activity in the coming days... sure gid na ya!... i'll leaving you with some pictures taken that day!... peace!!


the u-week started today... we have our digital art exhibit in S12 featuring the projects of the 4th years... the IM guys group themselves for a live accoustic band presentation... the broken chords was also there to play... its a cool thing to do... we planned to put a coffee stand inside but it did not pushed through... its good to see that the room is filled of people interested to see the exhibits while some listens to the music... i'm posting some shots taken this morning... that's all for now... peace!!

104 title: the dog house

after several weeks of staying up late i'm done with my 104 project... you can see that in this url ... i'm proud of what i have done with it... though the original concept was not followed still i find the new one more attractive... next week will be our university week... wla klase! hehehh... there will be a lot of activities in store... on tuesday our class will judge the graphic works/project exhibit at S12 of the graduating class... we've already seen some of their works and its cool... on wednesday our class will be at the natures village resort in talisay... we organized this gathering solely for our class our little way to have a day of fun... amo lng na anay ah... peace!