its been a while since my last blog... busy gid sa school... kapoy... so after doin sum asynments.. tulog dyun.. heheheh!!... stress is all over me lately... ahhhaahhayyy... i dunno why.. kis.a u wud say life is worth living... but sumtyms... life also sucks!... balance of nature?.. maybe... but need to go on.. not all the time you'll be happy.. there's a downside of everything... and the decisions you make at a certain point of time will dictate where the next phase of your life will lead you... kis.a you thought you made a wrong judgement.. but at the end you will realize that it was the most correct thing that you've ever made in your life... i learned that i would never pity myself in doing what i believe is right... hmmmm... tsk!... what is "right" - it is an agreement of the mind with outside realities.. that is according to my Philo prof... so what happens when no body agrees with me... darn!.. im doing all wrong... lolz!... lakatz ko ah! peace!
mY LiFe... mY mInD... My SoUl...